

  • 介绍
  • 头脑风暴
  • Presearch
  • 缩小话题范围
  • 研究问题
  • 论文声明

NOTE for users of screen readers: The collection of tabs above, 以列表的形式呈现, 是可点击的. 导航到所需的列表项,按空格键激活该选项卡.

选择一个可行的主题可能是研究过程中最困难的一步. 当 choosing a topic, keep the following points in mind:

  • The topic must meet the assignment's requirements.
  • Choose a topic you are interested in. The more interested you are in your topic, the more motivated you will be to research and write about it.
  • Select a topic understandable to you as you read about it.
  • 主题必须足够具体,让你在有限的时间内掌握合理数量的信息. 一个太广泛的主题会给你太多的资源,这将很难集中你的研究.
  • 确保从适当的来源获得足够的、相关的信息. 如果你的主题太狭窄或模糊,你可能找不到足够的资源. 对于可能只在当地报纸上报道而不在其他来源上报道的当地话题尤其如此.

Follow these steps when selecting a topic:

  1. Start with a topic or general idea that interests you.
  2. 头脑风暴 to come up with more ideas.
  3. Presearch to find background information on the topic.
  4. Narrow your general idea into a focused, manageable research idea.
  5. 将你的主题陈述为一个你可以利用现有资源回答的研究问题.
  6. 你的作业也可能要求你制定一个论文陈述.

Your topic will evolve as you learn more about it. 您可能需要根据您找到的信息重新调整或改进它.

VIDEO: Picking Your 主题 IS 研究! (NC State University Libraries)

Use the following 问题 to generate topic ideas:

  • 你对当前的社会或政治争议有强烈的看法吗?
  • 你最近有没有读到或看到一个引起你兴趣的新闻故事?
  • 是否有一个问题或问题影响了你、你的家庭或你的社区?
  • Is there an issue you've always wanted 了解更多 about?

If you can't think of any topics, try browsing the library's 赞成/反对问题 databases or look at the websites listed on the 热门话题 page.


Once you have a general topic in mind, 头脑风暴可以帮助你找到更多的想法或潜在的研究问题.

  • Start with your topic and make a list of all the ideas, 问题, and issues related to it you can think of.
  • Don't worry about spelling or grammar. Just keep your creative juices flowing.
  • 写下所有想到的东西,包括那些看起来愚蠢或古怪的想法.
  • 然后回过头来寻找模式、类别或想法之间的联系.
  • 如果你卡住了,把你的清单放在一边,让你的想法渗透一段时间. Keep adding to it as new ideas pop into your head.
  • 如果一个想法吸引你, 把它作为一张新纸上的中心思想,然后集思广益,找出更多的细节.

VIDEO: The Power of 头脑风暴 (克拉克学院图书馆)


自由写作: write down everything and everything that comes to mind. Set a time limit from five to twenty minutes.

  • Write nonstop to keep your hands moving.
  • Don't worry about spelling or grammar.
  • Write as fast as you can to keep up with your thinking.
  • 如果你卡住了, 一遍又一遍地重复同一个单词或短语,直到你想出一个新的想法.


  • 把你的主题写在一张白纸的中间,在它周围画一个框或圈.
  • 头脑风暴 random ideas related to your topic. 围绕主题把它们写下来,然后用线或箭头把它们和主题连接起来.
  • 使用不同的形状、颜色或线条来表示子主题或不同的类别.

VIDEO: Mapping Your 研究 Ideas (加州大学洛杉矶分校图书馆)

search图书馆数据库或互联网,快速了解你的主题. This will help you broaden/narrow it. 您还可以确定是否有足够的信息可以满足您的需求.

关注那些提供良好背景信息的来源,比如百科全书. 维基百科可以是一个很好的起点,只要你记住它不应该被视为一个权威的来源(见 评估来源). The following library databases may be especially helpful:

Once you've identified a general topic that you like, you'll need to narrow it down to a focused, 可管理的研究课题. 如果你的主题太宽泛, 它会把你拉向很多不同的方向,你会浪费很多时间去寻找你不会用到的信息. Try to pick one aspect of your topic to focus on. 当 choosing your final topic, 记住,你必须能够论证一个观点,并从你可用的资源中找到证据来支持你的主张.

Examine the sources you find during your presearching. 它们可以帮助你确定你想在论文中探索的小主题. For instance, say you are interested in fashion design. 在图书馆的电子书馆藏中search这个主题可以检索到许多相关的标题. 通过检查每个目录的目录,您可以编制一个冗长的子主题列表:

  • 时尚产业
  • 时装零售
  • 时尚伦理
  • 快时尚
  • 可持续的方式
  • 时尚史
  • 时装设计师
  • 时装模特
  • specific types of clothing and fashion accessories


如果你仍然想不出任何子主题,问自己一些关于主题的问题. 这些问题的答案可以揭示出可以帮助你缩小注意力范围的子主题.

谁? identifies the persons or organizations impacted by the topic. 谁 are the stakeholders, affected populations and decisionmakers? Can you narrow your focus to a specific group or demographic, 比如年龄, 性别, 种族, 宗教, 或者社会经济地位?

什么? 确定主题中直接影响who的特定方面或元素. 什么 is its nature, purpose and scope? 什么 are its causes and effects? 什么 are the issues and debates surrounding it? Can you focus on a specific type or example?

当? 确定时间范围. Is the topic current or historical? Is it limited to a specific time frame? 它是随着时间发展的吗? Do you want to focus on a particular point in time?

在哪里? identifies the geographic location. 在哪里 might the topic be significant? Can you narrow your coverage to a specific region, state, or city?

为什么? identifies the topic's importance. 我们为什么要关心它? 为什么会这样?? 什么 are the reasons, causes, motivations, or justifications?

如何? identifies how the issue emerged or how a solution worked. 这是怎么发生的?? 什么 are its circumstances, methods, processes? 如何 and why did it originate? 如何 can it be improved, reformed, or resolved? 如何 do people work for/against it?


谁? schoolchildren (specific population)
什么? mandatory COVID-19 vaccines (specific example)
当? present day (specific time frame)
在哪里? 内布拉斯加州(具体位置)
为什么? prevent COVID-19 outbreaks (specific reason)
如何? 其他强制性疫苗成功预防疫情(特定解决方案)
缩小主题: mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for schoolchildren in Nebraska

如果你的主题太窄,你将找不到足够的(或任何)信息. To broaden it, reverse the process by widening your net.

主题: mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for schoolchildren in Nebraska
谁? 美国人(更广泛的人口)
在哪里? United States (wider location)
扩大话题: mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for Americans

VIDEO: 如何 to Question with 5W1H (University of Singapore Libraries)

VIDEO: Four Steps to Narrow Your 研究 主题


一旦你把话题缩小到可行的范围,就把它重申为一个重点研究问题. 你的研究问题是你在论文中回答的问题. Think of it as your research topic in question form. 它准确地指出了你想要找到的东西,并为你的工作提供了一个明确的焦点和方向.

Elements of a successful research question:

  • Focuses on a single problem or issue
  • 需要分析,不能用简单的“是”或“不是”来回答
  • 研究able using the resources available to you
  • 在你论文的时间框架和字数限制内回答是可行的
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Has identifiable consequences and effects
  • Leads to possible outcomes and/or solutions


主题: social media and academic performance

VIDEO: 如何 to Write a STRONG 研究问题 for 研究 Papers (聪明的学生)

取决于你的任务, 你可能需要在你的论文的介绍中包括一个主题陈述. A thesis statement is the answer to your research question. It should state your topic, your position and your evidence. 你将努力在论文中证明你的论文陈述,并提供证据和来源来支持它.

Elements of a successful thesis statement:

  • Concise (one or two sentences)
  • Clearly answers your research question
  • 清楚地表明你的立场
  • Shows how you will support your position


论文声明: Because it weakens their ability to concentrate, 每天使用智能手机对高中生的注意力持续时间有不利影响.

This thesis statement contains the following elements:
位置: It has a detrimental effect.
证据: It weakens their ability to concentrate.

VIDEO: 如何 to Write a STRONG 论文声明 (Scribbr)